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Ladies if you've been looking for that perfect pink tee that makes a great Valentine's or Christmas outfit when worn with our love laced or white jeans or our levis shorts or any skirt, than this is the perfect top for you.. This tee hugs your gorgeous figure and has every head turning as you walk by....

LQQK for our other amazing top's and stunning tees plus our many Valentines and Christmas corset's and men's vest's in the related item section and on market place......

LQQK for our line of lingerie that can be changed into any color your heart desires located on market place.....

Also check out all our beautiful corsets and distinguished men's vests plus our line of Daisy corsets and some of them with matching men's vests all on market place....

Remember to check out our line of sheer blouses and shirts that look lovely worn with our OB dresses and OB corsets and go great with our love laced or white jeans or levis shorts located on market place...

Check out our line of holiday attire and mesh Christmas mini dresses and other mesh mini dresses plus our gorgeous gowns all on market place...

LQQK for our line of unique detailed quality mesh and full perm furniture like couples chairs, cages, benches, our other large variety of chairs, lights, lanterns and mosque lanterns, wall decorations, Medieval items and clothes, tables, children and adult stools, Victorian furniture, wooden screens, many misc items and much, much more located on market place and in our main store............

Top in 3 layers (shirt, undershirt, jacket)

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  • All Layers Included
  • Top Layer (undershirt, shirt, jacket)

L$ 100

Als Geschenk in den Warenkorb legen


Dragons' Designs
Dragons' Designs
Verkauft von: Meav Lionheart

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