G Generell

Pirate captain woman red mesh costume wooden leg eyepatch

Pirate captain woman red mesh costume wooden leg eyepatch

ONLY viewer with mesh possibility . Have fun for roleplay , halloween or for fun . Surprise your friends with one leg only!

Available for woman in 3 colors red,black,brown
for men in 3 colors too black/red , black/grey , beige/green ...... with mesh realistic beard

- Alpha pirate boots + pet wooden lower leg
- Alpha pirate jacket
- base boots
- eyepatch modify (nose)
- eyepatch no modify (nose) with resizer
- mesh hair rigged brown linked with pirate hat sculpt
- Mesh rigged pirate captain jacket 5 sizes
- Mesh unrigged pet wooden leg pirate resize
- Mesh unrigged pirate boots L resize
- Pants pirate open
- pirate hat sculpt
- pirate treasure seat pose animated (add) everywhere (not laying in ground , wearable)
- sculpt pirate sword kick with left clic
- sculpt pirate sword kick with left clic + hold pose
- sculpt pirate sword unscripted
- tropical parrot just add for shoulder

demo only available in brown

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