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Prefabulicious Full Perm - Pool Float - Deck - Animation - Summer Pack 5 Couples Animations 1

Prefabulicious Full Perm - Pool Float - Deck - Animation - Summer Pack 5 Couples Animations 1
Prefabulicious Full Perm - Pool Float - Deck - Animation - Summer Pack 5 Couples Animations 1
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Prefabulicious full perm bento animations summer pack 5 comes with 2 fully animated bento animations. Try them in world!

By purchasing you agree to the following:

~You may only use this kit in Second Life.

~This pack of poses and/or animations are sold as a prefab set. You may use the poses/animations in your creations, but never sold as poses/animations by themselves. Do NOT distribute them to customers as is. You may not give these animations to anyone as an animation.

~ Permissions on your final product must include the animations/poses with only the following permissions: Copy Only or Transfer Only. You may never use these poses/animations with both copy and transfer permissions.

~You may not give away or share any components of this package with other avatars, including alt avatars. You may use this as a part of a gift, but only if you are giving it away in an item you have created as a part of a promotional item in your store. You may not simply buy to distribute to your friends.

~If you violate this agreement a DMCA will be filed against your products. I do keep a list of those with permission to sell my products, so please respect and follow this agreement closely.

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  • Full perm bento couples animations - PR4
  • You get 2 bento animations!

L$ 4.500

Als Geschenk in den Warenkorb legen


Verkauft von: Prefabulicious

Auspacken erforderlich

Dieser Artikel kann nur in einem speziellen Ort in Second Life (wie z. B. in einer Sandbox) ausgepackt und benutzt werden.

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