G Generell

Prefabulicious Full Perm Animations Basic Hold Pack - 1 ADD ME

Prefabulicious Full Perm Animations Basic Hold Pack - 1 ADD ME

This set is only Copy/Trans, after learning of a product in SL that will allow an avatar to download an animation to their hard drive as long as it has mod permissions. If you'd like a custom name for your animation, simply use a scripting service such as AVsitter where you can rename the animation from the options when you install the scripts.

Full Perm Bento Poses are poses and NOT animated. That means that only a part of the body is locked into place by this pose so that you can use it with other animations that have lower priorities. See demos in my main store!

What's an animation priority?

When an animation is uploaded, you can make them a priority 1-4, with 4 being the most dominant of all animations your avatar is using. While my poses are set to PR4, I can't be sure that other animators have uploaded their AO animations or furniture at a PR3. This is why some animations will work with a basic hold pose or cell phone pose/animation and not with others. This is a very common in SL and I have added this explanation just in case you had a customer issue who might not understand how animations work in SL.

By purchasing you agree to the following:

~You may only use this kit in Second Life.

~This pack of poses and/or animations are sold as a prefab set. You may use the poses/animations in your creations, but never sold as poses/animations by themselves. Do NOT distribute them to customers as is. You may not give these animations to anyone as an animation.

~ Permissions on your final product must include the animations/poses with only the following permissions: Copy Only or Transfer Only. You may never use these poses/animations with both copy and transfer permissions.

~You may not give away or share any components of this package with other avatars, including alt avatars. You may use this as a part of a gift, but only if you are giving it away in an item you have created as a part of a promotional item in your store. You may not simply buy to distribute to your friends.

~If you violate this agreement a DMCA will be filed against your products. I do keep a list of those with permission to sell my products, so please respect and follow this agreement closely.

Artikel in Second Life anzeigen
  • PR4
  • Copy/Trans/No Mod - Explained In Details Tab