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<RG>"The Sunny meadow" baby-cake mini.(Dispenser).

<RG>"The Sunny meadow" baby-cake mini.(Dispenser).
<RG>"The Sunny meadow" baby-cake mini.(Dispenser).
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This delicious and incredibly colorful cake with funny scenes from the life of animals will be a worthy decoration for Baby Showers, birthdays and other holidays.
This set consists of:
1. The whole cake.
2. Two plates with different pieces of cake.
3. Separate two forks with different pieces from the cake.
Grab a fork and then a plate and start eating.
Dispenser held and resized inside. Also works as decoration.
Bon Appetit!
Backgrounds are not included.
The product was created for Second Life and is copyrighted by ValeriaT.
Thank you in advance for visiting my store and purchasing my products.
If you have any problems, please feel free to contact me, I am always ready to help you. If I'm offline, send me a message and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.
Owner ValeriyaT

L$ 990

Als Geschenk in den Warenkorb legen


Restaurateur General
Restaurateur General
Verkauft von: ValeriiaT

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