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SD - Black Widow Halloween Jacket Dress Set

SD -  Black Widow  Halloween Jacket Dress Set
SD -  Black Widow  Halloween Jacket Dress Set
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The Halloween Jacket and Dress set is great for all the parties you attend. The H24 collection is made to be fun and sexy at any venue or party you attend. Always interchangeable with all other SD SMB Original products.

This item will only fit the Star Body. No refunds unless double purchase.

Please send your comments and reviews so that we keep improving these products for you. We value your input.

Please comment/ review here or send notecard to Shahzad Kharg or Starlite Steampunk in second life grid.

The Star Mesh Body Team

  • mix match with all SD SMB Originals
  • Made to fit Star Body like a glove
  • Great new addition to your costume collections

L$ 299

Als Geschenk in den Warenkorb legen


Starz Devotion SMB Originals
Starz Devotion SMB Originals
Verkauft von: StarMeshBody

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