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SD Camp Fire_7p_C

SD Camp Fire_7p_C
SD Camp Fire_7p_C
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Thank you for the interest of SIMBA DESIGN (SD) creations!!

Are you looking for tropical decoration for your new land or feel the need to refresh your land with decorations that makes you feel happy.

SIMBA DESIGN creates high quality products with the best sculpts, textures, shadowing, sounds, animations, and addons to make it as beautiful and realistic as possible in a viritual world. All textures, sculpts, sounds, effects are exclusive selected to provide the best quality of our products.
Our goal is to give our customers a happy feeling inside when surrounded with SIMA DESIGN products.

Thank you for purcasting SD Camp Fire. Its made as realistic as posible and still keeping the viritual inWorld look.

It got 2 functions:
Fire sound. Left click the fire to turn on and off.
Fire controll. SIze, on/off, and more.

SIMBA DESIGN provides 20% discount to all our group members that purcase on our SIM.
You will find group joiner all around the area and remember to wear the tag before buying.

Beside Camp Fire, we also create Palm trees, Sea formations, beautiful reefs, rock formations, plants and ground decorations.
So come by and see the products in use on our Tropical paradise.

All group members can follow SIMBA DESIGN development so you always are up to date on new creations etc..

SL is what you want it to be and SIMBA DESIGN is here to help you to get there.

Best regards SIMBA DESIGN, Simone Barsov

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L$ 250

Als Geschenk in den Warenkorb legen


Verkauft von: Simone Barsov

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Auswirkung auf Land: 7