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[SM] TTS Fender01-T54

[SM] TTS Fender01-T54
[SM] TTS Fender01-T54
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This is a FULL PERMISSION product from SIMBAZ MOTORZ "Bits & PARTS".

This is a full permission product. All color, texture on the product is to show how it can look when setup and is delevered as you see it.
From here on, its up to you how you want to change it
All the info you need, is writen on the advertising board picture. What you see, is what you get.

Prim count tells you how much it affects on land prims (LIP).

Face count, tells you how many sides(faces) on the product you can change colors, shine, glow, light on.

No texture or maps are incl..

If there is anything you need beside what i have. Send me a notecard of what you need, incl. a picture or link will help alot.

I also make name plates.
You can order them by sending me a notecard of what it should say and what font you want it in.
Make a few font options, becouse you cant be sure the font is in my contents.

License Agreement/Terms of Use

By buying this product, you will purchased the legal right to use this product in accordance with the terms of this agreement.
You may use this product to make your own creations, and sell it with following permissions restriction:

1. copy only
2. transfer only
3. copy/modify
4. transfer/modify.

You may NOT resell, redistribute or publish this product with full permission or with copy/transfer rights.


Best regards
Simone barsov

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L$ 350

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Verkauft von: Simone Barsov

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Netz: 100 % Netz
Auswirkung auf Land: 1