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3D MESHiah-Dany

3D MESHiah-Dany
3D MESHiah-Dany
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About Sam:

Sam can be used as a full avatar or as an outfit to use with your own head

To use the full version of Sam avatar just wear everything. Remember that there are 2 versions, normal and reflex.
Also wear the full Shape and full alpha.
To wear your own face wear the headless shape and headless alpha.

Both sword blade and mask lights glow can be controlled via chat with the following comands (dont use the quotes):

"/1glow "1 (weaker glow)
"/1glow 100" (stronger glow)
Type any number in between to get different results.
You can also use the word "lights" instead of "glow".

The shapes are mod so you can make changes, just PLEASE remember to make a copy before in case you don´t like the result.


For the sake of tidiness I didn´t include the usual reflex versions. But since all items are MOD you can achieve this easily by rezzing the item on ground, right click, edit and in the texture tab select a low shininess. You can try the brightness bumpiness too.
PLEASE remember to rename the item somethink like "reflex" so you can find it easily in your inventory.

_if you have "lighting and shadows" checked you will see them as a metal-like surface.

_if you have "lighting and shadows" unchecked you will see them as a mirror/plastic-like surface.

Try both and see which one is best for you.

Artikel in Second Life anzeigen
  • Detachable mask to use with your SL head
  • Mask and sword glow via chat
  • 11 detachable props

L$ 150

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3D MESHiah
3D MESHiah
Verkauft von: gouldvoyage

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