G Generell

Scripted Greeter, visitor counter - Level 3

Scripted Greeter, visitor counter - Level 3

Demon greeters are a great way to track and count your visitors.

The lowest level greeter is just that. It greets (optionally), it counts visitors, it stores visitor name and it lets you know when visitors arrive.

The highest level adds many more features up to being able to remotely control your greeters.

See the specifications of each greeter below.

The Level 1 Greeter is a basic greeter which does the following :-
1. Welcomes new visitors with your own personalised message. (optional)
2. IMs you when new visitors arrive. (if required).
3. Scans from 5 - 95 metres. (user defined).
4. Retains visitor names for a user defined time period, in order to prevent visitors continually being re-greeted.
5. Display retained visitor names.
6. Simple drop down menu system.

The Level 2 greeter adds Landmarks and Notecards.
7. Gives a Landmark (Auto on arrival or by visitor menu).
8. Gives a Notecard (Auto on arrival or by visitor menu).
9. Option for user defined hovering text. (to help visitors)

The Level 3 greeter adds daily and hourly stats and visitor archiving.
10. Displays daily visitor stats over the last 30 days.
11. Displays hourly visitor stats over the last 24 hours.
12. Allows the archiving of visitor names for any time period. (Mono allows much longer lists)
13. Displays archived visitor names.

The Level 4 Greeter adds Remote monitoring from HQ
14. Allows remote monitoring of current visitors from your HQ
15. Allows remote monitoring of parcel stats (total prims, prims used etc) from your HQ
16. Displays an up to date estimate of cumulative traffic. It actually is the cumulative number of visitor minutes, so is a useful comparative metric.

The Level 5 Greeter adds email support.
17. Enables emailing of data to your own email account.
18. Daily and hourly stats are emailed on change of day (optional)
19. Daily stats, hourly stats and visitor names may be emailed on demand.

The Level 6 Greeter adds remote control from HQ
20. Enables remote control of the remote monitor from central control
this means that most of the values which are settable locally at the remote monitor may also be modified centrally at HQ.

All greeters use a notecard to store your preferences, and you may also change most options dynamically using the blue menus, without any loss of data.

See the whole range of Demon Greeters
Demon Greeter - Level 1 - L$50
Demon Greeter - Level 2 - L$100
Demon Greeter - Level 3 - L$150
Demon Greeter - Level 4 - L$250
Demon Greeter - Level 5 - L$350
Demon Greeter - Level 6 - L$450
Demon Multi Greeter - L$200

See more of my scripted items
OtherWorld Dulpicator
Student Listmaker
Demon Group Joiner
Demon Talkie
Demon Online Indicator
EZ LM hud
Central server/updater/messager
The Matrix Display

Keywords Multi greeter visitor monitor scripted items lsl lsl2 list listmaker sales analysis visitor counter business aid shop monitor email remote monitoring central control notecard giver note card giver landmark giver
notify visitor instant message shop assistant business tool increase sales hovering text

  • One of range of 6 greeters by Delian Mayo
  • welcome visitors, landmark giver notecard giver, notify owner by instant message
  • count visitors, monitors traffic
  • can act as a shop assistant
  • Analyse visitor stats
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