G Generell

*{ SeVered GarDeN }* Gerd - cola

*{ SeVered GarDeN }* Gerd - cola

(UPDATE with OMEGA Appliers)

Gerd it's a full outfit really essential for winter,

will keep you so warm in the cold days ^_^

Gerd is composed of:
- rigged mesh Padded Coat in 5 size
- rigged mesh Boots in 3 size
- mesh Chapka hat (resizable by script)
- ripped Jeans
- frost breath for your mouth.

(and Fatpack with 5 colors is priced less than 2 colors!!)

Please try the demo before buying!

Visit the store Inworld to see all creations ^ _ ^

* SEVERED GARDEN * B&B Creations.
(For any question send a NC to Berta Avro or BUBI Bolissima or read our FAQ here:http://severedblog.wordpress.com/faq/)

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