G Generell

Sunglasses w/ Neon Frame

Sunglasses w/ Neon Frame

Sunglasses with Neon Frame.

It changes color and glows around. This effect is more visible in the dark, by night and in mid-high graphics.

The design is quite simple, to fight lag. In fact, every wearable has a land impact.

Unrigged. You can move and stretch the sunglasses to fit your avatar. Also, tint lenses, while frame is scripted and changing color by itself.

✿ Mesh
✿ Land Impact 1
✿ Copy & Mod
✿ Textures ≥ 512x512 px

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  • Unrigged
  • Mesh
  • Copy & Mod
  • Textures ≤512x512 px.
  • Scripted to change color and glow around