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Suomi KP31 CUSTOM UL MESH 2019 GUN 31P Full Permission Antique Old RP Rifle FP w FP Maps inside Version 2019

Suomi KP31 CUSTOM UL MESH 2019 GUN 31P Full Permission Antique Old RP Rifle FP w FP Maps inside
Suomi KP31 CUSTOM UL MESH 2019 GUN 31P Full Permission Antique Old RP Rifle FP w FP Maps inside
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Cheap Suomi KP31 CUSTOM UL MESH 2019 Gun 31Li Full Permission
FP Maps inside of object to allow further customizing

Full Perm
SL Optimized Mesh
SL Optimized Custom multi-layer mapping

TOS ::
1. Nothing to break LL TOS - no exceptions
2. No giving away for free unless an 80% mod/change is done as original license states
3. Scripting unscripted items are allowed for resale
4. Name credit (if any) should remain in description. This is to follow the original agreement / license - unless it is NekroLogik's name - That can be removed. Any item with an IGN or online name (outside of NekroLogiK's) should remain somewhere (anywhere) on the item/description/a prim/etc.... IF this is the case - it is the only way we can legally run the items as the base mesh may have been donated/modified under a type of attribution license. Though we can not force this to buyer, we do our part by notifying the potential buyer and following all segments of usage agreement on our end.

Note:: Most items do not contain any attribution req., but this is DMCA (law req.) that we state this within the listing(s) and items that may require such. Contact NekroLogiK if further information of digital rights/usage are in question. Thank you.

Why pay?
It costs money to upload and a lot of time to create/mod/customize map for Dynamic effects for SL. Meaning the item is built to allow light to be dynamic *changing effects/reflects/etc...* as the SL environment changes.
NOT a 'burnt on' single layer glare that some use on single maps.
Those look good in the store or ad, but are not really optimized to be dynamic for SL game play and environment options.

Anything listed on SLM as a 'Cheap' item can be bought in-world for even cheaper
And those who are disabled IRL can get any non-full perm item (any scripted 'release' from NekroLogiK for FREE)
---Just msg Hogg.

Places to view more items - SLURL of some items ::

Check out our New 2023 Builder Creator of Post-Apo urban decor props buildings accessories and mega kits for region design and unique accessories in:

Limited Quantities to be sold for a limited time - all High quality meshes, low poly, and 7 maps put into 3 for SL optimization of DYNAMIC / RL shadows, maps, and specular reflections

  • Simple
  • Old / Cheap
  • Rustic
  • Vintage
  • RP item - Unscipted

L$ 255

Als Geschenk in den Warenkorb legen


Verkauft von: II3ossHogg Blackheart

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