Sway's [Yumi] Set
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Sway's [Yumi] Set
Tea Set - Wood tray, Teapot, empty cup and cup filled with green tea
Zen Garden - with rake, sand and pebbles
Floor Pillows - Straw woven with 10 animations and tea cup props
Potted Bamboo
Room Divider - in beige, pink and mix. Scripted and non scripted
Table - low wooden table
Items are available as Set and separately
100% original Mesh + Material
copy + modify | scripts and animations - copy only
- original creator Mesh
- Material ready
- complementary items available
- great LoD (level of detail)
- as set and separately available
L$ 650
Land erforderlich
This item requires that you have access to land in Second Life in order to use it.
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- Benutzerlizenziert
Berechtigungsinformationen sind in den Produktdetails zu finden.
Automatische Neulieferung
100 % Netz
Auswirkung auf Land: 8