.:TBO:. Claudia - cutsleeve dress faded colors fat pack

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Carved silk in dark fadedcolors. Open long sleeves.
5 standard sizes (from XS to XL) and alpha layer.
Fat pack changes textures by HUD.

Dear customer:
*This is a mesh item, you need wiewer 3 or similar and have your graphics to medium or more to see it.

* If you have any questions, suggestions or a problem with any of my products, please contact me. Send me a note inworld (please DO NOT put your display name) and try to fix it as soon as possible.
My customers are the most important for me and I try to help you in any way possible.
My work gets better with your help.
* If you accidentally double purchase in marketplace (and ONLY in this case), please send me a note with purchase data (number of transactions, product and date) and will refund your money.

*In .:TBO:. work slowly, with care and imagination to each of our designs is unique.
*Esthetician: After all, we are in a visual environment. Take care of the details of clothing and shapes are provided. I love the beautiful.
*Custom Work: If you want unique clothing, made exclusively for you, no problem! Simply place your order. Tell me how you want the garment of your dreams, i'm committed to that piece is just for you.


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Verkauft von: Babs Draconia
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