TDL015 TD ZLS Lighting Pack - Outdoor Globe Wall Lights Version 1.0

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Twilight Design ZLS Compatible Lighting Pack

This Lighting Pack is a box of TD Zonal Lighting System compatible lights. (ZLS sold separately - see associated items at the bottom of the page for more information).

The number of lights in each pack varies so please refer to the 'Product Features' section for the number of lights in this pack.

Lights are also stand-alone and do NOT require the ZLS to work - just rez them and click them to turn them on and off.

You also have full control of the same light parameters that you do when using the ZLS Control Panel, like the light colour, radius, glow, intensity and falloff as well as the ability to turn on and off special lighting effects like:

* 'Flicker' - to create a candle flicker effect
* 'Sensor' - which turns on lights when someone approaches
* 'Auto' - where lights will come on automatically when it gets dark (when using Estate Time viewer setting)

We have tried to strike a balance between realism and prim count so despite lights being only 1 or 2 prims each, all lights are as realistic as possible. So for example, where applicable, light shades are hollow so you can look inside to see the bulb glowing and when you turn them on, they too light up and become slightly transparent.

If lights have shades, they can become transparent and plain coloured shades can even affect the colour of the light cast onto nearby objects.

Being Modify permission, you can also change the size and colour of the lights to match your needs.

You can see our range of lights in the lighting department at our in-world store (link below) as well as see the ZLS in action.

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  • ZLS Compatible As Well As Stand-Alone
  • Fully Configurable Light Settings
  • Change Size & Colour To Match Decor
  • Low Prim (All Lights 1 or 2 Prims)
  • Number Of Lights: 12



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Twilight Design
Verkauft von: ArmTwilight

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