G Generell

[TMF001] 8 Small-Pebbled Smooth Mosaic Floor Tile Textures from E&D ENGINEERING

[TMF001] 8 Small-Pebbled Smooth Mosaic Floor Tile Textures from E&D ENGINEERING

All textures sold by E&D Engineering are produced by E&D Engineering and the graphic artists doing business under that name. We do not resell "freebies," nor do we resell full permission nor "derivative works" textures we purchased from other sources.

The default image in each of our texture listings (the image which contains the content details and permissions) shows a sample of one or more textures at full resolution. Please look at the texture closely before buying the pack. You are being shown EXACTLY what you are buying... Our textures are most commonly 512x512 pixels and 24-bit, except where noted otherwise. Display boards stating "Alpha Transparency" denote 32-bit files.

For details regarding your rights and License to use these textures, please review the Limited License Agreement below:

ORIGINAL ISSUE DATE: 25 January 2008

By purchasing Constructs and Components from E&D ENGINEERING you are:
- presumed to have read the contents of this End User License Agreement prior to purchase, and,
- agree to the following permissions and restrictions governing their Terms of Use:

Full Permission Textures

You acknowledge that "Full Permission", as it applies to asset rights within Second Life®, does not grant nor imply any transfer of Intellectual Property (IP) Rights to you, the buyer. Intellectual Property Ownership and Copyright continues to be held in perpetuity by E&D ENGINEERING and the texture artists doing business under that name in Second Life®.

Your purchase of Full Permission textures from E&D ENGINEERING grants you a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the textures within Second Life® ONLY.

You are in no way granted a license to resell, give away, or trade E&D ENGINEERING textures.

What rights are you granted?

You CAN apply the textures to the surfaces of items you create. These items may be for personal use or for sale in Second Life® or on web-based marketplaces which cater to Second Life® and its users, including Second Life® Merchant Marketplace and metaLIFE.

You CAN download our textures to your computer and modify them to complete your own building projects. Modified versions of our textures constitute Derivative Works and continue to be governed by the same End User License Agreement and Terms of Use outlined in this document.

You CAN apply your own modified versions of the textures to the surfaces of the items which you sell in Second Life® or on the aforementioned web-based marketplaces.

What rights are you NOT granted?

You CANNOT sell or give away for free or in trade any E&D ENGINEERING textures/texture files/texture assets, nor include them as texture files within the item contents of primitive-based objects or notecards.

You CANNOT sell or give away for free or in trade any E&D ENGINEERING textures/texture files/texture assets which you have edited and/or modified on your computer (derivative works), nor include them as texture files within the item contents of primitive-based objects or notecards.

You CANNOT upload E&D ENGINEERING textures, neither in original form nor derivative works thereof, into any other virtual world except for Second Life®. If you wish to purchase our textures for use in a virtual world other than Second Life®, please contact one of our representatives for an Extended License Agreement granting such use.

Any rights not expressly outlined in this document are neither granted nor implied.

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Not Quite as Advertised
voller Stern voller Stern voller Stern leeres Sternchen leeres Sternchen Veröffentlicht 9.7.2017 von JudiLynn India

Another review made a good point. I bought this texture thinking it was continuous, based on the pictures. It's not. It's made up of square of pebbles with a tinted strip of concrete (?) between them. It's a nice floor, but not what I expected. Would be a good idea to show it in place so the buyer can see what it actually looks like before the non-refundable purchase.

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3 Stars
voller Stern voller Stern voller Stern leeres Sternchen leeres Sternchen Veröffentlicht 2.9.2012 von Pandora Edenbaum

first star killed by you discription text for product i feel like you yell at me like im to dumb to look at a frickin pic ...
second star got killed cause i was looking EXACTLY at the pic and yah it says stone tile but it werent showing me that the example pic (those small ones) that have the full size that there is a line on each side and the 1. pic with the stripes to show the different types of stones dont show it either ... so 3 stars cause i like the texture but dont fit what i expected.

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