Tara's Creations
The "Music To My Heart Earrings Series"
Tara's Creations Music To My Heart Earrings Series
★ They are 100% Mesh.
★ They are Non-Rigged. You can resize (within limits of nano) & you can position them.
★ Tested on Classic, LeLutka and CATWA heads (with ears).
★ If any update is created, when you rez the BOX, you will be offered the Update for Free.
★ Making any type of Jewelry is an exacting process. I have done my absolute best to make sure this product is beautiful and fits well. In any case there is always a Demo. So please, if you are not sure get the Demo first.
★★★Even if you understand Huds please read below for all the options
✔ HUD is called in your directory - Tara's Creations Jewelry Hud - [Name of Article Here]
★ Hud Operated
★ Texture Area - There are 10 Textures for the Earrings. This will texture the Earrings AND the Ear Hook together. If you like that look, which is actually beautiful in and of itself, leave it.
★ Ear Hook Textures - There are 4 especially made Ear Hook Textures which will texture ONLY the hook. Texture the hook AFTER you texture the earrings.
Tools On The Hud
★ Glow Intensity - I have supplied 2 ways to actuate the Glow, increase/decrease it, or turn it off.
1. The Tools Panel - There are three light bulbs on either side. The largest moves glow up or down by 10, the middle by 5, the small one by 1. If you wish to manually move glow up or down by 10% increments, just use the + or - buttons immediately below the Glow Tools Panel.
★ Bright - Speaks for Itself Turn it On/Off
★ Bling - I am not a fan of Bling. However, I realize many of my customers like the bling effect. So, Bling is there. It will turn on/off Bling in the earrings.
★ Resize - USE WITH INCREDIBLE CAUTION! These are nano mesh prims. They will not allow you to resize above or below a certain level. (You have maybe 2-3 small increments to play with until you get a message "Limits reached".) Since limits are enabled you do not have to worry about the earrings breaking, and if something crazy does happen you always have a copy in your inventory.
★ Pose - If you need to pose yourself for adjustment.
★ The Tools Icons (Top Right)
Most are self explanatory. However I have added a Resize Hud button. This resizes the HUD itself. So if it is too large or too small you can resize the Hud without going crazy in Edit mode.
The door next to Resize Hud is just to Detach the Hud. Instead of clicking then detach just click the door.
★ Trouble Shooting
Huds can sometimes be fickle and wonky as I am sure you well know. I use only the best. However, here are a couple of suggestions.
1. When attaching the Hud give it 10 seconds to connect and become active. Immediately clicking on a button the second after attachment will produce no results.
2. Resize - Click once on Resize. If you want to repeat, wait a couple of seconds, click again.
3. Bling - If Bling does not immediately turn on or off, again wait a couple of seconds then click again.
4. All else fails - Detach the Hud, wait 10 seconds, Attach Again.
✔ FINALLY AGAIN, PLEASE TEST WITH THE DEMO IF YOU ARE NOT SURE. (I don't like having dissatisfied customers!)
✔ All group members get an automatic 10% refund if you purchase with your group tag active @ the In-World store - Tara's Creations.
As always any questions, requests, suggestions, love mail --> just send to me.
Enjoy! 【ツ】
Thank you for shopping @ Tara's Creations - A World Of Clothing @ Your Fingertips!
Artikel in Second Life anzeigen- Hud Controlled - 10 Earring Textures; 4 Ear Hook Textures
- Glow, Bling, Bright, Resize all in Hud