G Generell

'Optimus' Multirezzer CC (Content Creator plugin) Version 3.0

'Optimus' Multirezzer CC (Content Creator plugin)

ATTENTION: 'Optimus' Multirezzer CC is a plugin for 'Optimus Multirezzer' (which is sold separately, see the related items).

With this plugin, the Content Creators will be able to create and sell a Multirezzer containing scenes built with their creations.
The Multirezzer is able to package huge buildings and landscapes and rez their components anywhere in the sim.
The multiple scene selector allows to sell more scenes at a time, or a single scene with its variations.

The designer has to configure the 'Optimus' Multirezzer and save all the scenes he wants to sell (it is possible to save up to 6 scenes per Multirezzer).
Once the original copy is ready, the designer can use this plugin to create a clone of the original Multirezzer: the clone will be copy-trans and it will have only the features needed by the final client to rez and clean the saved scenes.

- The process to create the copy-transfer Multirezzer is managed by a pop-up wizard and the content creator just has to make a few clicks.
- The copy-transfer Multirezzer generated by the plugin will inherit the number of scenes, their names, their contents and their 'mode' (static/dynamic) from the original Multirezzer.
- The generated Multirezzer automatically cleans the current scene when another scene is selected, but multiple copies of the same Multirezzer don't conflict with each other.
- The final user will be able to enable/disable the Autoclean option, to clean the scene when nobody is in range and rez it again when someone is detected.
- The final user can set the range of the sensor of the Autoclean.
- The final user can choose who will be detected by the sensor of the Autoclean: only the owner, only group members or anyone.
- The final user can set the Multirezzer so that it can be used only by the owner, only by the group members or by anyone.
- The final user can use the menu to automatically remove from the scenes the script used to rez the components.
- The content creator can choose a secret channel listened to by the Multirezzer: that channel can be used to control the device via chat.
- The content creator can script a HUD that generates messages in the secret channel used by the Multirezzer.
- The Multirezzer generated by this plugin can't be connected to 'The Excellent' Teleporter by LOW Industries.
- Free lifetime updates included.

This product is under the warranty of LOW Industries Technologies: 100% refund in the event that the product is affected by a bug that can not be fixed by the scripter within 48 hours, from the report of the problem.
The Warranty covers only the bugs of the scripts: the Warranty covers neither the problems caused by improper use of the product nor the problems caused by the lag or interferences caused by other scripted objects.
The buyer must cooperate with the scripter in finding the bug, giving as more details as possible about his/her issue with the product, and testing it with the scripter.
The buyer must not leave a negative review of the product before the 48 hours.
The buyer agrees not to leave a negative review of the product after the refund.
ATTENTION: For any kind of problem with this product (including delivery failure), please don't leave a negative review of the item; consider instead to contact Seedro Lowey via IM. We are sure that the team of LOW Industries will be able to make you satisfied with your purchase.

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  • See the description for the full list of features