G Generell

Thought Bubble HUD

Thought Bubble HUD

Now you can set the mood of your avatar, or show your thoughts to your friends. Funny, loving, cute, sexy...
1 wearable attachment that spawns the bubble and an easy to use hud to set your bubble.
No lag, no slow loading textures.
If you have questions or need help message me.
Thank you for purchasing this hud. Thank you for making a comment or rating.

Artikel in Second Life anzeigen
  • 96 bubbles in 8 themes
Durchschnittliche Einstufung: voller Stern voller Stern voller Stern voller Stern halber Stern
  • 5 Stern:
  • 4 Stern:
  • 3 Stern:
  • 2 Stern:
  • 1 Stern:
Poorly Made
voller Stern voller Stern leeres Sternchen leeres Sternchen leeres Sternchen Veröffentlicht 6.7.2019 von Jeddy Fae

The cloud only points to your head if you are looking at yourself from the front.... obviously didnt check from behind, it looks dumb.... Vain person.... and the graphics are so fucking hetero....

War diese Rezension hilfreich?
Super Cute!
voller Stern voller Stern voller Stern voller Stern voller Stern Veröffentlicht 26.8.2018 von Iykke

This is bunches of fun! Thanks!

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voller Stern voller Stern voller Stern voller Stern voller Stern Veröffentlicht 21.1.2016 von Ohana Bunny

very cute!

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Really fun!
voller Stern voller Stern voller Stern voller Stern voller Stern Veröffentlicht 21.1.2016 von Fauve Aeon

I really like these! What fun to instantly bubble and they are so cute for blogging photos too! Low lag and the HUD reduces very tiny so I'll be wearing this a lot. I'm a big fan of Anna on Flickr so I just had to buy these right away.

War diese Rezension hilfreich?
Love it!
voller Stern voller Stern voller Stern voller Stern voller Stern Veröffentlicht 20.1.2016 von ChieBaby

Well done, functional and super cute :)

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