G Generell

Tokyo.Girl - Hair Fran . PROMOTION Price Version 2.3

Tokyo.Girl - Hair Fran . PROMOTION Price

::: Promotion Price - Limited Time :::
(price goes back after promotion to 259L$)

➤ Resizeable Mesh Hair with Material


• Hair without Rasta
• Hair with Rasta both sides
• Hair with Rasta right side

• Low Render Weight: ~2000

For changing Texture and Dye Colour a HUD is required. The
HUD is a one time purchase and works for all my newer Hairs
and Hair Demos.

• See related Products for the HUD and its features.

To make sure, you will be satisfied, please try a DEMO before
considering a purchase.

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Nice style
voller Stern voller Stern voller Stern voller Stern leeres Sternchen Veröffentlicht 11.7.2022 von NighTime88

The hair look great, it's easy to tint the hairbase / to resize with the (not included) HUD and to adjust the pose of the hair with the basic SL builder tool. For 59L$ (promo price), it's a good deal !

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