G Generell

Tredpro TR-50 Firefighter Helmet Version 2

Tredpro TR-50 Firefighter Helmet

*NEW! Redone in mesh and now includes custom color ability along with other new features. When you wear the older sculpted helmet if will send you the new mesh one automatically

In a SL fire department? or just looking for something different?

The Tredpro Tr-50 is a traditional fire helmet with features you cant find anywhere else.

Sculpted parts keep the helmet low prim, yet looks great.

4 colors to choose from and a host of other options such as flashlight color and visor position.

You can customize this WITHOUT BUYING multiple versions!

❶ Changing the displayed title and number:

To start out, change the title's by clicking "Naming". Click the 'Number' button, then type the number as you would in chat. The number is limited to 3 digits. Click it again, select the 'Naming' option again and select the 'Top name' option. You can say that in chat too. Traditionally, your rank or department goes here. You can also change the 'Bottom Name'. The bottom line traditionally is your last name or nickname.

❷ Changing the colors and appearance of the helmet:
Everything else is self explanatory:

Visor: Turn it On/ Off and Up/ Down.
Bourkes: Turn it On/ Off and Up/ Down.
Colors: Helmet colors; Yellow, Red, White, Blue and Black.
Reflect Color: Yellow, Green, Red, White and Blue.
Light: On/ Off and the option to make the light casing Blue or Red.

  • Mesh Construction
  • Custom Color ability
  • Varible Dirt Levels
Durchschnittliche Einstufung: full star full star full star full star half star
  • 5 Stern:
  • 4 Stern:
  • 3 Stern:
  • 2 Stern:
  • 1 Stern:
full star full star full star empty star empty star Veröffentlicht 20.11.2020 von Sekushinajosei

I like the look of it better than HD's helmet however should comes with at least a template for the front plate texture for us to be able to properly use the option to have a custom plate on there.

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Decent product
full star full star full star full star empty star Veröffentlicht 2.6.2018 von BrennanLC

Decent Helmet for the money. I just like the F-Guard helmet more because the hud it comes with makes setting up so easy then it stores your settings.

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Needs Modify
full star full star full star empty star empty star Veröffentlicht 15.4.2018 von LaurelJones

Another reviewer avows that this helmet really is Modify, even though it clearly says that it isn't. That often is the case when scripts inside an object are NoMod, but the object itself is Mod. Not in this case, however. That reviewer either received a Modify version somehow, or he's lying, because this helmet is not moddable in any way. You get scripted options to add, remove and position parts. As you can see from the pictures, the numbering and lettering system is pretty atrocious. This would be SO much better if it were simply Modify so I could slap a nice looking texture on there in place of the scrunched up and misaligned writing that it's scripted with.

All in all, it's still a nice looking helmet. If it were Modify, it would get five stars for sure, but it's not and that makes it pretty average in my estimation.

I doubt I'll buy anything else from this store.

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Ive bought this back in 2016
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Veröffentlicht 25.9.2017 von NickolasHeller19

I still have not received it for some reason, And I cant find any place to re-deliver it. Ive tried to contact support on it but nothing.

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Great helmet
full star full star full star full star full star Veröffentlicht 15.6.2017 von FelipeFelix Pearl

I've seen some other helments in SL with less than half functions and double of price. Don't get tricked, this helmet is the best in SL for firefighters. First of all, forget what say about no mod, it IS completely MODIFIABLE. Infinity possibilities for customize. Color HUD (that we use just because it's faster to recolor, since you can do manually with some building skils) gives you all colors that you can imagine and say in chat, so you can copy it and use in another gear if want. I make my own plate in ps, although you can write that in menu - and this is the one glicth in this helmet that it does not center words, so use spaces before words if you have short name. BTW I bought this over than two years ago and I still use this one even trying on new releases after that.

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Best FD Helmet
full star full star full star full star full star Veröffentlicht 7.5.2017 von Flo Burner

Customizing this helmet is endless you can have any color you can imagine for the helmet or the reflective bands with multiple addon objects you can turn on and off with working flash lights an amazing piece of equipment

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