{ Treystar Inc. } - Lelutka Briannon EvoX shape Thema Version v1.18.07.2021

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Thema shape for Lelutka Briannon Head.


This product only contains the shape. For purchase of the head and respective body, please visit the stores on Marketplace or inworld.


* Copy/mod privileges with shapes included for Maitreya Lara, Legacy Female, Belleza Freya & Kupra bodies
* Eyebrow shaper
* Style card information to get the full look as advertised

The shape was designed with a specific skin. It may work with other skins with some modifications, but it's best to use the recommended skin for optimal results. This shape is only intended to be worn on Bento mesh heads and does NOT work with classic avatars.

Please make a copy of the original shape before you modify.

All purchases are final. No refunds will be provided.

10% discount on this item at the inworld store.

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