This is a scary VampireAuraHud! An excellent tool for roleplay or just for fun!
The Hud contains 8 different aura particles:
1. BloodAura
2. BloodSplash
3. VampEyes that appear and disappear
4. BlackAura
5. Moving Vampfaces
6. FogAura
7. LighteningAura
8. MindDust
See pictures for details
The box contains 2 items:
1. VampireAuraHud Controller > add this to your screen where ever you like it.
Click on the Aura Buttons to make the particles come alive. You can use them one by one or together. Make your own combinations.
To put them off: click on the red button above the aura button. For example: when you click on the button BloodAura: the particle will appear. When you click on the red button above the BloodAura button: the particle will disappear.
2. VampireAura Receiver > add this to your avatar center. From here the aura's will come.
Have great fun with it!
Im a dancer in RL making stages and preforming at various venues, I found this hud and it's a perfect addition to the items used. Particles enhance a set and story soo much. every button worked perfectly 8 options an all perfect, and great price. Thank you I will be purchasing more from you soon.