Wingsong Avatar RAT - Brown Box

We've always enjoyed a good romp around the countryside wearing a furry avatar from time to time. But to be honest with you, we found most of the furry outfits available rather predictable. Very NICE, mind you - but there are just so many ways to make a cat furry. Or a fox furry. Or a wolf furry. They're wonderful, true. But we wanted something a little - different.
Boy, did we come up with something DIFFERENT!
We didn't just want to look pretty (HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!). We wanted our ratness to be fun, a bit interactive, a little lopsided perhaps. We wanted to stand out from the PACK. Get it? Pack? RAT Pack? HAHAHAHAHA.
And to be honest with you, we set out to make a furry wolf. But this, this, this RAT face kept working itself into our build. Finally, we succumbed to the cumulative strength of our inner rats and THIS is what emerged!
The Wingsong Avatar RAT! In all its dubious glory! And as a disclaimer, in the STRICTEST sense, this isn't a pure furry, cause you got some SKIN showing through. Sure, the skin is covered in some exceptional seamless fur texture, but we didn't cover up your body with too many prims.
We have several packages of Avatar Rats, arranged by skin/fur color. In order to keep it simple for you we've made a convenient OPEN & COPY box with the bulk of your avatar contained in them. The balance of your parts must be ADDED manually (do NOT WEAR or you're liable to push something important back into your inventory - like, say, your HEAD. And there's nothing worse that a headless rat, I can tell you.
1 - REZ your Wingsong Avatar Rat box; OPEN, and COPY to INVENTORY. REZ out the Wingsong Avatar Rat COPY & WEAR box. OPEN this box and select COPY & WEAR. Adjust as necessary.
The COPY & WEAR box contains these items; Wingsong Avatar Rat:
Shape (male - the female shape is included in the main box and you can replace this one later)
Tufts (chest, left arm, right arm)
Paw (right and left)
Digilegs (predictably, right and left)
Foot Alpha Layer
2 - Manually ADD the following from your inventory; do NOT wear them or you'll likely knock other items off. These items are, of course, optional; you might want to wear your own hair or go bald, or use a different AO:
Whiskers (right and left cheeks)
Hair (A and B)
Bald Base
Wingsong AO HUD - RAT
Hand Alpha Layer
After you've got everything situated, SAVE AS AN OUTFIT for future convenience.
3 - Now, about that rat head of yours. It's fully ANIMATED. The ears wiggle a bit. The eyes look around and blink. Your jaw moves when you talk (type) in the local chat window.
4 - Your rat tail is flexied - naturally!
5 - Although your avatar is COPY/MOD, we've coded several items have an onboard
color changer that allows you to select from 90 different colors by clicking on the item: pasw, digilegsm arm tufts. Hair, whiskers, other tufts can be colored using normal editing tools.
6 - And about that AO HUD! We've assembled a whomping THIRTY original Wingsong animations into this HUD, dusted off some of the code, made it leaner and cleaner so that you get a great animation experience. These are NOT mere poses; they are dynamic, fun animations.
To use, ADD your AO from your inventory and disable other Animation Overrides. Switch your Rat AO on and off by clicking on the light switch icon (when activated it turns green, when disabled it turns white.
Click on the button with 3 doors for your options; they're pretty self explanatory; if you have any questions just push a button and it will be explained to you.
One of the great things about this AO is the adjunct animations which you access by turning OFF your AO as just described, and clicking on the Wingsong Logo at the bottom of your HUD. You have 11 animations to select from. With the exception of the bow (which you do only once per click) your avatar will remain in the animation you select until you choose another animation or STOP.
Adjunct animations include skating, pet cuddling, guitar playing, meditation, relaxation, and general merriment. I'm told rats enjoy a good time!
Guitar playing? As a BONUS we're including a FREE Wingsong guitar. It doesn't play sound but it looks great with your guitar playing animation.
We love to cuddle pets at the dojo, and thought you might want to as well. Our main cuddle buddies are our KittyCats and our Fennux breedables. For cuddling with your KittyCats, use the left hand animation; Fennux cuddles use the right one. These animations work well with many other pets as well as plushies.
Questions, comments, or a live demonstration of any of our fine/fun Wingsong products, IM Kit Ciaco!
Don't be misled by the low cost of our items. We can afford to do this because we create excellent items and provide excellent customer service and support, and we sell ALOT of doodads.
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