[ZAD] Dvalinn Horse Hooves Version 1.2

Details Leistungsmerkmale Inhalt Rezensionen (3)


✦ [1] BASIC INFO ✦
▸ Rigged to fit default Dvalinn bodies
▸ Works with Dvalinn HUD / appliers
▸ Custom fluff Recolor + Alpha HUD included
▸ Tutorial video included in Instruction Notecard!

▸ Requires the ONA Dvalinn Deer, found here: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/22763
▸ Won't work with any other avatars
▸ Won't work with third-party legs / arms / bodies
▸ The custom objects are marked "no modify" due to their scripts - please try deleting the scripts when manually modifying them before contacting me!



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Works great

Veröffentlicht 22.9.2017 von Cammygirl95 5 Sterne


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Great set of legs

Veröffentlicht 9.8.2017 von Aziza Blackwood 5 Sterne

When I had heard that these legs were going to be released, I made some mods prior so that I could finally have some horses on the dvalinn.

They work with the same as the default dvalinn legs so no need to worry about a separate uv. The leg fluffs do however, but shading is included so you can easily tint them. So your horse may have "feathers" if you want them to. There's a superficial seam on the hoof, but it doesnt stray away from the overall look of the mesh with textures.

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Verkauft von: Ziel Omizu
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