199 Zed Sensations*.Nikita Netted stockings FATPACK

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9 different coloured netted stockings.
Materials Enabled ( enhanced texturing once enabled will be noticed when you activate your advanced lighting and ambient occlusion, also HARDWARE SKINNING in your Preferences in your viewer)

Slink stocking applier (keeping in mind that slink feet have the same uv mapping as secondlife feet)
Slink PHYSIQUE clothing applier hud materials enable
Omega stocking appliers materials enabled
Eve Pulpy and Slim applier hud materials enabled
Belleza stocking applier hud materials enabled
Maitreya stocking applier hud materials enabled
9 Phat appliers
9 Sking brazilia appliers
9 wowmeh appliers (boxed)

ADDED an applier hud for:
G. Inc Perfect Bum
Ghetto Booty

TERMS: Read before you buy? https://zedsensations.wordpress.com/policies/
This product is created by Zed Sensations
Registered Copyright
It is entitled for redelivery, which is also available at our inworld store. Upon buying, it is the buyer's responsibility to understand the seller and creator will not be held accountable for any lost, duplicated purchases or deleted incidences.

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Zed Sensations
Zed Sensations
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Verkauft von: Sugarfairy2
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  • Geeignet für klassische und Netz- Avatare Mehr Infos
  • 0 Sterne 0 Rezensionen

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