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Zen Child Designs // Brine - Odyssey Mer Tail CZSlim Version 2.0

Zen Child Designs // Brine - Odyssey Mer Tail CZSlim
Zen Child Designs // Brine - Odyssey Mer Tail CZSlim
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This item was originally released for the February 2024 Seabourne round of Abnormality Event.

The Odyssey Bento Mer Tail is a bakes on mesh mermaid tail mesh intended for use with the Tala Bento AOs. This tail is MOD!

This item includes the mesh for CZ SLIM ONLY, twelve (12) tintable base color layers, and dev kit textures with instructions on how to make your own tattoos and bases!

V 2.0: Rigs have been updated for all tail sizes. Added an outer shell for additional mod options and built-in exobyte HUD support for modders and creators (no mod script, but tail is still mod). More bodies available:
-CZ Slim
-Legacy M Athletic

-Maitreya LaraX

V 1.1: Updated to include shapes until 2.0 rig updates can be sent out.

V 1.0: Released for the following sizes:
-eBody Reborn
-Legacy F
-Maitreya Lara

-Belleza Jake
-Legacy M


**This is a BOM mesh tail. You must wear a Universal Base Layer to see it! AO not included!!**

Recommended AOs:

Item may be cheaper in-world. Store credit available in-world only.

  • Bakes on Mesh
  • Brine
  • Odyssey
  • Bento Tail

L$ 1.199

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Zen Child Designs
Zen Child Designs
Verkauft von: Love Witch

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