[aR] Inflatable Boat (PBR) v1.7
Fully re-textured with Physically Based Rendering materials.
The legacy Blinn-Phong materials are still applied as well. When viewed with a non PBR viewer, those will be displayed as usual.
Note: I did not update the images of this MP listing yet. The images are still showing the boat with its old Blinn-Phong materials.
Fixed: Minor script bugs around the HUD/Throttle display.
Fix: Adjusted sitpos reverts to default when it shouldn't.
Fixed a bunch of script bugs, edge cases around the propeller/mooring behaviour.
New feature: Turn animation option (On by default).
New feature: Move on water only option added (On by default).
Fix: Minor script bugs.
The [aR] Inflatable Boat is designed to give a realistic boating experience within Second Life.
It can seat 5 Avatars. Pilot plus 4 passengers.
• 100 % Mesh
• Fully Materials enhanced
• Handmade Level of Detail models only.
• 10 Speeds, or Cruise mode. (95 km/h top speed)
• Waves mode
• Drift mode
• Access: Owner, Group, Everybody
• 5 color themes
• Speedometer HUD with integrated 'Rez Zone Finder'
• Land Impact: 24
• Copy/Modify
All 2D/3D/Scripting by arton Rotaru
- Mesh
- Physically Based Rendering (PBR) materials
- 5 colors
- Drift mode
- Waves mode
Very good boat
Feels like a real boot and looks very good.
This boat is awesome!
It looks really great and i wish i could texture meshes like this. it has many details and the scripts are working very good. Get it!
Do you like Hyperlon or rubber, buy this boat
I like the textures of the tubes. You can see, that is used heavy rubber (Hyperlon). The other things like driving and configuration are fine, too.
Ich mag die Texturen von diesem geilen Schlauchboot. Man sieht die leicht abgenutzte Gummistruktur der Schläuche. Besonders beim schwarzen und orangenen Boot sticht dies ins Auge. Auch die anderen Dinge wie das Fahrgefühl und die verschiedenen Einstellungen sind gut gelöst.
Rly good boat.
Rly good boat. I like customization options and way how it drive, lower or rising the engine. Great job man!
If u would like add secondary sounds set for it would be great (just idea)
The inflatable boat to own.
Excellent textures & choices of colours. Like the idea of being able to change the title on the boat. A small plus, but makes all the difference.
Be nice if there was a centre-console model as well. Would be a welcome addition.