G Generell

bonbon - kaoru hair (naturals)

bonbon - kaoru hair (naturals)

Includes: fitted mesh hair with style HUD (4 styles) in 3 female chest sizes and 2 head sizes + unrig bonus bangs (script resizer)

Hair HUDS: Naturals

* If you want to achieve a similar look the hairbase shown in ad not included. It is a Bonbon Group Gift (99L Group Fee) only for Lelutka Evo X mesh heads. Visit inworld store to get it!

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✂ Hair Issues Help:
- You may need to wear your own hair base depending on what mesh head you use or how the hair fits your head.
- Click the UNRIGGED hair to use the XYZ resizer menu.
- Transparency issues with unrigged hair?
- Hair Glitching with itself, as making fully unrigged alpha hair this is one of the trade offs I have to put up with. Depending on how the hair strands are layered (made), sometimes the hair glitches in some areas, please keep in mind unrigged hair may look a little different / sharp in some areas. It is the best I can do, and also explains why not all of my releases have unrigged versions. Sorry for the trouble

- Hair Glitch: clashing with eyelashes, head textures, transparent clothes, etc.
A quick fix that works 99% of the time is simply right clicking on the mesh, though the error is recurring, the fix is only temporary. You will need to right click the affected mesh each time the error occurs. If your eyelashes are glitching with the hair, try adjusting your Avatar Shape > Eye Depth (or Head Length)
- Another tip is to detach the hair and reattach it, especially if the hair is glitching with itself. You can also try zooming your camera in and out.
- Sometimes the hair will glitch with some objects/land/water around you as well, It is unavoidable.
- If none of these solutions work, attach the hair HUD and apply either one of the Materials.
- You need to have Basic Shaders and Hardware Skinning enabled in your viewers graphics settings for the hair to work properly.
- Item breaks/disappears when I zoom out? Your LOD settings are too low. You will need to turn them up.
On Firestorm, first enable advanced menu by pressing CTRL + ALT + D > Go into debug settings located in advanced menu and type in rendervolumeLODfactor > Increase number over 4 (I use the highest setting 8) Press enter > Close debug. Instructions may be different for each viewer, please Google for your viewers settings.

- If the hair is clipping through your skull, please use your mesh head HUD to hide your scalp. If you're using the system head, please use a head alpha.

-If your cheeks are clipping please adjust your Head sliders: Upper Cheeks and Lower Cheeks
If this does not work, or it is affecting other parts of your head try adjusting the other Head sliders such as head stretch, head length, forehead angle, cheek bones.

- If your hair is glitching with your eyes, brows, or any part of your face, you can try adjusting head sliders, however sometimes it will not fix the problem completely, it was made to fit Lelutka mesh heads with the most common head shape I could find. If you still experience clipping, please note I do provide a demo for FREE to test the product before you purchase it in case of any sizing issues and such (Not every hair will fit perfectly or work perfectly for each mesh head).

- With materials on, glitches may occur in the hair.

Known issues (SL related):
- Hair Glitch: clashing with eyelashes, head textures, transparent clothes, ect.
A quick fix that works 99% of the time is simply right clicking on the mesh, though the error is recurring, the fix is only temporary. You will need to right click the affected mesh each time the error occurs.

- Another tip is to detach the hair and reattach it, especially if the hair is glitching with itself.

- If none of these solutions work, please attach the hair HUD and apply either Material 1 or 2.

- Sometimes the hair will glitch with some objects/land around you as well. Sometimes it cannot be fixed.

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