le glamouriste Wadjet Outfit & Wig FATPACK

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Wadjet is a 2-piece outfit, including a bra-styled top with halter tied neckline, and skirt, fitting high on the waist, short in length, they can be worn separately and features an embroidered snake motif on 4 textures, controlled by HUD. Materials enabled.

A simple black lace thong panty is included.

The Wadjet Wig is an ancient Egyptian style, only in black, and includes a 16 texture HUD controlling the gorgeous jeweled ornament beads in tones typical of gemstones used in Ancient Egypt, including, Amethyst, Malachite, Emerald, Carnelian, Serpentine, Turquoise, Amazonite, Topaz & Quartz's. It is fitted mesh and can’t be moved or re-sized. Materials enabled.

Ideal for Ancient Roleplay or Modern Occasions

Check our the newest accessory, the le glamouriste Golden Facial Ankh Set, see related listings below.

The outfit is fitted for the following bodies:

∞ Freya
∞ Hourglass
∞ Isis
∞ Kupra
∞ Legacy – works well for Classic Meshbody & Perky too
∞ Maitreya
∞ Physique
∞ Tonic Curvy
∞ Tonic Fine
∞ Venus

⫘ Permissions: copy/no modify/no transfer ⫘

What’s included?
The outfit & panties in 10 sizes & texture HUD, wig & bead texture HUD. Style info about fashion accessories (not included) - listed in the product notecard.

The demo HUDs, outfit & wig are fully functional, with a 10 minute timer script, so you can see the gorgeous textures and check for fit without markings or banners.
Available here and inworld, free.


~ most items cost less inworld (≧∇≦)ノ

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Consider joining the le glam group. Shopping inworld saves L$s lindens! There's 15% Store Credit Earning and L$25 Weekly Store Credits (with active tag.) Store Credits are available immediately for use, and don't expire. New releases discounts are between 25-40% for a minimum of 72 hours after notice. Occasional sales & gifts, plus a supportive chat where members discuss fashion and events.

If you have any concerns or questions please contact me before leaving a negative review. Your satisfaction is important.

Be sure you like the this item before buying by using the demo, refunds aren’t provided. Review the store policies before purchase. Thank you °‿°

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  • Outfit in 10 sizes & 4 texture HUD - Wig & 16 Texture HUD for beads
  • Permissions: copy/no modify/no transfer
  • Accessories Style Information included
  • Product Notecard includes ALM & Materials tips

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le glamouriste
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Verkauft von: Alessandra Corvinus
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