Lucky ducky Carnival duck game

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I have here for your consideration my Brand new lucky ducky carnival game. Just pick a duck up and win a prize. Every duck wins. Animated duck picking pose and duck. Animated prize counter pose. Click for cotton candy, lollypops or gumballs. Just click the game ticket to pick a prize. Duck clickable to receive a duck to hold. Gives several prizes and balloons. Must have enough prims to rezz the item. Game is 159 prims and copy



  • Carnival game and all supplies

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Seller Ignores, Broken Cotton Candy Plus No Modify!
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Veröffentlicht 31.5.2021 von Stormy Heartsong

Contacted the Seller to report that the Cotton Candy is broken, sent a message plus a Notecard and she did not even have the courtesy in the very least to get back to myself or even my partner who attempted to also contact her. On her profile, She claims to contact her if any of her items are broken etc....for what to be ignored? Someone like her should not be selling on SL as this is very bad business. I asked her also since this is No Modify to send me a Phantom version even but usually everything is Modify now a days! Needless to say I received no response at all, She was even online at the time I sent her an IM and she still ignored me, Have fun with my 550 Lindens maybe you can buy yourself better customer service!

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Country Charm , Holiday Memories, Simple Elegance
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Verkauft von: ballofire Kanya
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  • Auswirkung auf Land: 159