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Clockwork Angels & Digital Demons
Clockwork Angels & Digital Demons
Vendu par : Misanthropictodd
Date d'inscription: 18/9/2011

A place for Steampunk and random creations. The random things that spring from my mind will be available here.

One of the joys of Second Life is the diversity and creativity that people pour into avatars, and creations. I would ask that if you feel like sharing a picture of anything that my work has contributed to with me, feel free to do so. I would appreciate and love it :)

Thank you


I am not much for rules and regulations... so we will deal with things as they come :)
I can't count the times I have bought a complete set of something just to get one piece. If you like something that is part of an outfit, but don't want the whole thing drop me a notecard, and I will do what I can for you :)
Any "profit" that I make in the MP is reinvested into more creations. For me this is a

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