This Store
Worlds of Wonder
Worlds of Wonder
Vendido por: Elmhill
Te has unido: July 03, 2011

Worlds of Wonder Products were created by Elmhill and Sweetie Snowpaws, for release to the SL public. We do our best to create quality wonders, to enhance your fun in SL. We hope you find our products fun and useful, if not give us a shout ( the best way is through the Worlds of Wonders Group) and we'll see what we can do. We are known for great customer service.

Please be aware that we have been in business for a while and have moved several times. A few of our products contain Landmarks that are out of date. We realize that this is a pain in the neck; please accept our apologies. Please use the Landmark here or check our picks for the current store location.

If you have an issue, please send us a note card with the item name, where you got it and the issue you have with it. If you bought it on the Marketplace please include the order number.

Please see our complete Terms of Service.

We have a second Marketplace store, which sells the some of the same products plus wonderful textures and items not available here:


Whenever possible we sell items as modifiable. We cannot give refunds on Full Perm copy-able objects, for obvious reasons.

If you have an issue, please send us a note card with the item name, where you got it and the issue you have with it. If you bought it on the Marketplace please include the order number.

We do NOT give refunds to folks who leave bad reviews without contacting us first.

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