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Veronica Vinyl
Verkauft von: VeronicaV1
Beigetreten: 26.12.2011

Glamour meets pain – that's the world of award-winning, internationally renowned fetish artist Veronica Vinyl.

Her art features both real-life Mistresses in all their iconic brilliance as well as pieces of weird fetish imagination.

Now available for the first time in Second Life!

„I catch fetishes like other people catch colds. A churning maelstrom of emotions and opinions and ideas that war constantly for my attention.
I am wracked with desires, evil and forbidden, depraved and debauched. All seeking expression.
Yes, I plunge headfirst into the reality of private dungeons and fetish clubs. Yes, I partake of forbidden fruit, and let the whip fall where it may.
I feel the ropes, taste the gag, lick the sweat, and moan in pain and delight, lost in the matte blackness of the blindfold.
Yes, I revel in my humiliation. I wallow in my narcissistic pleasure and swim in my agony.
I am corrupt, decadent, and depraved... but I think a quick gander at my work will tell you all that.“




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