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AD Bodysuit Loving it V1 Demo

AD Bodysuit Loving it V1 Demo

Product: AD Bodysuit Loving it V1 Demo
Fitting: Maitreya & Petite - Legacy & Perky - Hourglass - Freya - Isis - Ebody Curvy - Tonic Fine & Curvy & Minimizer - Altamura
Information: Bodysuit as shown in picture. V1 is including a Hud with 3 different version textures ( 12 per version, so 36 options in total).

Demo has half of hud active so you can see different options.


Mesh Rigged items can't be resized.

Dear Customer,

We thank you for your interest in our products.
Before you decide to continue your purchase we strongly recommend to take notice of the following TOS/Policies:

1. For technical issues please contact me for support. Reply follows within 24 hours.*
2. You can contact us by sending a notecard. (No IM's please)
3. We solve all technical issues. If we can't, we guarantee a 100% payback.
4. Because the permissions are set to copy we can't refund your money (Double purchase & Technical issues excluded).
5. Our products are ready to add/wear, do not rezz or drop our products, they might get damaged.
6. Alway be sure to have a backup copy stored.
7. Always try the provided demo, skipping this option is at your own risk.
8. In all cases we assume you've taken notice of our TOS/policies before buying our products.

We’ll do everything in our power to ensure your purchase is fully satisfactory.
If you encounter any technical issues, please contact the creator before leaving bad reviews.

*Technical issues are for example disfunctioning attachmentpoints, broken HUD's etc.
Non-technical issues are for example.: You don't like the item or your skin is coming trough (use your alpha settings to correct this).
Please be aware that viewer settings/animations/shape-modifications etc. can have a negative impact on the appearance of Mesh products.
These are not technical issues and therefore not under our responsibility.

If your device can handle it, set your graphics to high/ultra and your objects & Sculpts LOD setting to 3000-4000.
Most of the time Mesh products will look better and it might solve some issues that might occur.

If you like our products please take the time to rate them. It will be highly appreciated.

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Kind Regards,
Ang3l Atlas
Owner and creator for Angel D-Sings since 2010

See item in Second Life
  • Hud driven
  • 3 versions in 1 hud
  • demo has half of hud active