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AK Ancient Greek AULOS Version 1.1

AK Ancient Greek AULOS

Aulos was a double reed instrument for professional musicians in ancient Greece and Rome. This 3D AULOS is reconstructed acording to ancient Greek paintings, sculptures and descriptions. The original ancient Greek soundbits are result of academic research.

It comes with two animation sequences, used for performing, both visible while standing or sitting. While playing you may use the included playing aid called PHORBEIA. It was worn around the mouth in order to support the instrument. Modern reconstructions showed that this aid is physically needed.

Wear the instrument or attach it to your chin. This instrument is MOD enabled. If needed edit it's size and placement to suit your AV. By wearing it the rest animation sequence is triggered.

To play the AULOS you must click (TOUCH) on the body of the AK AULOS. You can give different instructions by clicking on it again. After clicking you will be presented with a choise menu.

You may choose one of the seven sound loops ("Loop1", "Loop2", "Loop3", "Loop4", "Loop5", "Loop6", "Loop7") or one of the Coda ("Coda 1", "Coda 2"). One may even switch from one loop to another, making one's own live mix. Or play a short sequence based on these clips ("Song"). Performing musicians using their own streaming sound may play in "Silent" mode. To Stop all sound and animation choose "Stop".

The sound clips examples are recorded by the Austrian Academy of Sciences with a reconstructed Aulos. AK creations has the persmission to use them in SL, for which we are greatful. http://www.oeaw.ac.at/kal/agm/index.htm.

AKoustik are exclusive instruments built by AK creations. Visit us in SL.