G General

-ART- FULL PERM Background Textures 9

-ART- FULL PERM Background Textures 9

-ART- FULL PERM Background Textures

1 textures size 1024 x 1024 , full permission.


These textures are created by Rikki79 and have full permissions only for building purposes.

You may
---> use the textures for your personal and commercial creations
---> save the files on your computer
---> alter them with grafic software to your needs

You may NOT
---> resell or give away the textures for free, neither as single texture nor repacked.
If you put the textures into the content of an object (e.g. for for texture changing), texture permissions must be set to *no transfer*
---> sell the textures on single prims
---> sell the textures in an altered form
---> use the textures outside of Second Life in any way

If you have any questions or problems please contact Rikki79 inwo rld by IM or sending a notecard.