:AW: Russian Summer Gorka Olive 4-Market BOX
The Modern Russian Gorka:
The Russian Groka Military Uniform features varying types of camos. The product you selected is one type of camo, however other selected camos are also available.
100% Fitted Mesh-This products adapts to both male and female avatars of average height.
You mush wear the alpha layer in order for your item to be seen correctly.
You must use a mesh viewer in order to view this product.
Wearing other alphas may alter the look of your mesh product
Commonly used by Chernarussian Defence Forces
warmth, wind-proofing and very durable design
good for preventing hypothermia
almost waterproof
provides more camouflage
desirable from a utility standpoint.
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- 100% Fitted Mesh
- Russian Military Tactical Uniform
L$ 450
Unpacking Required
This item requires you to find a place in Second Life (like a Sandbox) to unpack and use it.
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- User Licensed