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Africa Pot/Vases- BOXED

Africa Pot/Vases- BOXED

2 Pots...or vases
and 3 stunning African designs on Terracotta.
The shading is wonderful and it contrasts the light and polish on the vase...
In only 1 prim you can bring your builds to life and into the African Theme !

Please use the Maps and textures Provided to make your own items for your own personal use or sale, but the completed items made by you are not be used in Hunts, MM Boards,freebies , group gifts and the like..

The Maps,Textures, Scripts and Animations that are included in my products are not to be sold separately or passed out freely to others.The prices are so reasonable, that i am certain your friends can afford a KIT of their own.

You do have my permission to use my full perm Textures, ( not sculpt Map textures) as Templates
and use them in your builds of sale.

Please be respectful of my Creations, much time and effort has gone into giving you high quality products at an affordable price.

Thank you.
Ravens0ng Resident

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted September 01, 2021 by Candy Amore

looks just like picture..very nice work

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