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Ahlure - Valentina Outfit

Ahlure - Valentina Outfit

Ahlure - VALENTINA Outfit New Release !

Casual Outfit which comes with dress, sleeves, coat, stocking ans warmer boots.
12 colors and 3 metal to choose editable via HUD

*FITS mesh bodies Maitreya, Legacy (Classic&Perky) and Reborn (Classic & Weifu)

10% discount for group members in world

Try DEMO in world

Mainstore: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/TerraVillage/57/59/24

A mesh body is required that is compatible with the ones listed here.

* The pictures are shown for informational purposes only and do not constitute a legal contract.

*Unfortunately, we do not offer demos but we offer a 24 hour limited refund policy.

See item in Second Life