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Animated Swimming Gator with Pose

Animated Swimming Gator with Pose

Animated swimming gator paddles his feet/legs through the water, opening and closing his hungry mouth as he goes. Sit on him to float in front of him on your back, unaware of the danger near your feet.

Three versions included. One moves in a 7 meter circle rotation, one moves in a 16 meter circle rotation, and one is a baby gator. When you pose, you add the length of your body also as he moves around. They can swim in any water, (Linden water, or prim water)- all water.

Copy permission. You can also modify it except the scripts are no mod. If you resize it, use edit and then stretch/shrink the entire object at once. Don't resize individual parts or unlink since the scripts will be affected. Keep a copy in your inventory as backup. If you resize, keep in mind the pose will be off-center, but the avsitter script allows you to adjust your pose. IM me with questions.

8 prims. Sculpted.

  • animated alligator, crocodile
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They are good.
full star full star full star full star empty star Posted July 02, 2019 by roadbargemaster

I do a swamp theme for my farming. The alligators look good swimming around in it. The only thing that I'd like to see is a little less mouth opening and some alligator sounds. They make a rumble to call their babies. They roar and even a kind of hum. Would be neat to hear that as well.

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