Outfit Lyka
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The Outfit come in:
➤ Top | Jacket | Skirt | Garter
➤ Reborn | Juicy ( Top | Jacket | Skirt | Garter )
➤ Legacy | Perky | Nerido ( Top | Jacket | Skirt | Garter )
➤ Maitreya | Petite ( Top | Jacket | Skirt | Garter )
➤ Kupra | kupra ups | Kupra Ups ( Top | Jacket | Skirt | Garter )
➤ Gen.x Classic,Curvy ( Top | Jacket | Skirt | Garter )
➤ Garter Maze Kupra | Reborn | Legacy | Maitreya
➤ Garter Normal Kupra | Reborn | Legacy | Maitreya | Gen.x Classic,Curvy
-Some parts may need to use alpha!.
-For best results, it is recommended to set the Breast Cleavage value from 0 to 15 on the shape.
Hud Controlled
➤ 21 Colors Top Styles
➤ 13 Colors Skirt Styles
➤ 13 Colors Jacket Styles
➤ 11 Colors Garter Styles
➤ 5 Colors Metals
Please do not purchase this product before trying on a free demo.
See item in Second LifeGood outfit, But
Its a good outfit, i like it, it looks good and it fits nicely for the most part..
But there are problems. Kupra Ups is something i had not heardof and found that some creators get mixed up with the Kupra Squeezed Top and the Kupra Corset Squeezed addons of the body.
I tried the Ups on both addons and they looked like they did not fit, so I can only assume now that it was for the Kups version of the Kupra body.. Still a good item none the less..