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Augustah Outfit 4 2020

Augustah Outfit 4 2020

The Outfit includes:
• Mesh Outfit
• For Maitreya Body Only
• This outfit has a Texture Hud all my 2018 Huds you can resize by touch
• Check description for outfits that have special huds
• Some of my outfits have a texture template the Ad pic will show you if it does
• Most outfits have some sort of color change Color Change
• Mesh Heels or Flats, Flip Flops, Sandals, Boots Check Ad Picture for the footwear in this outfit they are also texture and color change to match the outfit
• Mesh clothes might require somebody size adjustments I only tweak mine I never change it I prefer to stay away from mesh that I have to change my shape to fit
• If Clipping is seen only when dancing with my body shape I'm not sure if it will be the same as yours
• The Maitreya Alpha Hud took away any that showed if it needed it
• Some animations can affect the way outfits look sorry I do not make the mesh the outfits I make have minimal of this but might have some