! Images shown with shadows have been taken with advanced lighting on. !
You were told not to play there as a child, yet for some reason you were drawn to The Auld Ruins. Something about that space always felt electric, alive. As if there was something always about to happen.
1 x Mesh ruins land decoration with scripts, animation, lights, fog, animesh and sound. These are walkable. Copy & Modify (scripts & HUD unpacker are copy only), 30 land impact.
The ruins have been set up as a ceremonial space. Each element represented and ready to go. I aimed for a ceremony disturbed atmosphere with this build. Hopefully this translates.
Walk up the steps and you will meet the local crow. They caw at you as you enter the sacred space. Animesh crow with sounds and randomiser script. Touch the crow to turn the sounds on or off.
In the centre there is a glowing, neon pentagram which revolves. Touch this to select from 5 different light options. Subtle spooky sounds are played when you select your light. The light emitted from the pentagram echoes the neon red of the design.
Representing earth, I have placed a simple witches besom (or broom) at the back of the circle. This is not scripted.
For air, we have a set of 3 incense in a ceremonial goblet. Look closely inside the goblet and you'll see 2 crystals nestled. The top of each incense stick has a subtle glow and touching the stick at this point, lights it (emits smoke). Each incense has it's own emitter.
Fire is represented by the lit candles on either side of the archway. Two sets of red candles with animation and light. The light emitted from the candles is a gentle peachy, fire colour. No scripts in either of the candle sets.
The cauldron represents water. This cauldron is bubbling with red, magical substances and has a subtle glow effect. Touch to start the fog emitter. This fog will not fill up your land nor the set. This has been created to be a localised, magical type fog. The fog changes colour as it emits creating a beautiful, mystical effect.
Hidden inside the large stone, which the besom is leaning on, is another sound randomiser. This contains 30 spooky sounds which randomly cycle through. Touch the rock to start or stop these sounds.
Blink and you'll miss the tiny, abandoned rose head on the steps. It glows slightly, because spoooky
- Mesh Ruins Set with Materials Enabled. 30 Land Impact
- Animation, Animesh, 30 Sounds, Lights & Fog
- Red Ritual Version (Set up with a red theme throughout the props)
- Ceremonial Space with Elemental Props
- Copy & Modify (Scripts & HUD Unpacker are Copy Only)