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Aura Meditation Rezzer (Campfire) v2.20

Aura Meditation Rezzer (Campfire) v2.20
Aura Meditation Rezzer (Campfire) v2.20
2 Reviews

Thank you for your interest in this aura meditation campfire. Is has a few very unique capabilities:

* Unlimited Seat Rezzing:
The meditation campfire is scripted to rez a new seat whenever anyone sits in the last open seat. This means that your furniture will always have one seat open for new people. This version is set to rez 5 seats by default and many more when the last open seat is using by an AV. This number can be changed. (See instructions for owners down below.)

* Avatar Auras:
The meditation seats show a unique combination of colors for each avatar sitting down. Their color will always be recognizable but does fluctuate when meditating.

* Energy show:
The meditation campfire will also display a mesmerising endless changing show of light/energy particles from the combined energy created by all the auras. It takes one avatar about 5 minutes to raise the energy high enough for a visible lightshow, it takes less time when there are more people helping to raise the vibration. The energy shows will also be bigger when there are more people meditating at once.
While the auras for each avatar are set for the av's lifetime, this energy show from all meditators combined will never be the same at any moment in time. (Tip: Try using the power of thought to influence the energy show.)

* Fading Fire ON and OFF: (MENU DRIVEN)
The fire inside the campfire can be turned off via a menu. These options beautifully extinguishes and ignites the fire. Click the fire to get the menu.

A nice soft crackling fire sound will be heard whenever the fire is turned ON. The sound can be turned OFF seperately untill the next time the fire is started.

* Very customizable: (MENU DRIVEN)
The aura meditation area is fully customizable via a menu.
The following items can be clicked upon in order to tryout different textures via the easy menu system:
* Ring of boulders around the firepit. (8 texture options included)
* Ash layer inside the firepit. (3 texture options included)
* Stacked firewood. (9 texture options included)
* Meditation rocks/pillows. (200+ fabrics for seats * 8 rock texture options included)
* Meditation balls. (19 texture options included)
You can simply add any of your own textures to the contents tab of the items above to get your own texture added to its menu system.

* Resizing:
The campfire is fully mod, so you can do whatever you want with it. It resizes easily the conventional way in edit mode. (Select campfire, goto edit mode, hold [ctrl] & [shift] and drag a white dot to make it larger or smaller according to your needs.)

* Rocks or Pillows:
The meditation campfire will rez sculpted rock seats by default. If you however prefer to have pillows to sit on, change ´chair_name=S-Rock' to 'chair_name=S-Pillow' or 'chair_name=S-Pillow2' in the '_TableConfig' notecard inside the campfire. Please read the advanced instructions section in the notecard for more detailed info.

Please see the item in world, see the link down below, and test it out for yourself, seeing is believing :)

Aura Meditation Rezzer (Campfire): 13 prims
Seats/Pillows: 2 prims each.

Other stuff:
There is now also a wearable personal aura system available at the store. It has a menu system that allows you to mix your own colors in hundreds of combinations. It can also be conveniently set to rainbow mode, wich slowly randomly changes colors to create meszmerizing effects. It has 3 styles of auras to select from and 9 different levels of brightness. It also has the ability to show the unique aura color of your avatar like the meditation seats. The menu system can be controlled by a HUD or voice command.

Feel free to IM me if you have any questions or concerns,
Trail Lauridsen.

See item in Second Life
  • Automatic Seat Rezzing (Unlimited Seats!)
  • Shows unique aura of each AV meditating
  • Starts a big lightshow when enough energy is raised.
  • Menu driven fire and sound controls. Fire fades ON and OFF.
  • Very customizable by menu, many combinations of textures included to pick from!
Average rating: full star full star full star full star full star
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  • 1 star:
Best meditation landscaping on SL
full star full star full star full star full star Posted September 13, 2012 by AdlredDiogenes

The aura meditation campfire is great! It could use some embedded meditation music, but other than that, I have no complaints. :)

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Worth the Money
full star full star full star full star full star Posted August 03, 2012 by ShamanOfSeduction

Have a Meditation area alocated on my SIM and wow its just great ,love the effect of reaction as each avi sits . Recomend this product to anyone who loves meditation :))

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L$ 2,395

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Trail Lauridsen

Unpacking Required

This item requires you to find a place in Second Life (like a Sandbox) to unpack and use it.

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  • User Licensed
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