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BLACKSPOT - BlueHawk Version 2

7 Reviews

The BlueHawk is a Schooner of 35 meters length, 2 masts, 6 sails

100% Mesh, land impact: 92
Permissions are mod and copy, no transfer.

This s a new mesh version of this boat. If you would like to have the old prim version, let me know!

The BlueHawk is drivable - but please consider that it does not sail with SL winds.

- Show/hide sails
- change sail colors
- set to group, owner or whitelist
- turn on and off ability to fly
- creaking and water sounds
- driving scripts are disabled when the ship is not being sailed
- cabin door can be locked

Ride the Boat
Rightclick the Shipwheel and choose "Sail" to ride this boat by using the keyboard arrows, its that simple.

The menu
Click the lower part of the rear mast (in front of the ship wheel) to show the menu

- Use the setup button to chose who can drive your boat.
If you chose whitelist, please open rightclick the ship, go in edit mode and find the whitelist notecard in the content.
- You can set the boat to flyable or non flyable. If it is set to non flyable, is will stay in a horizontal position. If flyable, you can dircet your boat to fly up and or dive downward.

- Choose the color of the sails or hide/show them.
Sail colors:
- White
- Dark Grey
- Red
- Blue
- Green

Rightclick the hull and sit to use one of 4 passenger sitting poses.

Cabin Door:
To issue a command to the door you have to touch it first then within 30 seconds type a command in open chat. (you can change the listen time from 30 to anything you like in the interval field. (type all in lower case except names; Names have to be exact)

show help - Displays a list of commands
lock - Sets the door to Locked mode
unlock - Sets the door to Unlocked mode
add [name] - Replace [name] with the av you want to add to the list
remove [name] - Replace [name] with an av you want to delete
say list - Shows who is on the All Access list
change time [time] - Replace [time] with the number of seconds you want the door to stay open.
add manager [name]- allows you to add a person who will have administrative access to the lists and locks
remove manager [name] - removes the additional administrator

Average rating: full star full star full star full star full star
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full star full star full star full star full star Posted February 20, 2011 by Anthony Gartner

Very beautiful boat, thank you

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L$ 1,300

Adding to cart as gift


BLACKSPOT Ships & More - Pirate Ships, historical tall ships
BLACKSPOT Ships & More - Pirate Ships, historical tall ships
Sold by: Lia Woodget

Unpacking Required

This item requires you to find a place in Second Life (like a Sandbox) to unpack and use it.

  • Copy
  • Modify
  • Transfer
  • User Licensed
Automatic redelivery
Mesh: 100% Mesh
Land Impact: 92