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BRR English Rider Animations for Teeglepet Horses 1.30a

BRR English Rider Animations for Teeglepet Horses 1.30a

This is for all of the following TEEGLEPET HORSES:

American Paint

This DOES INCLUDE Avatar versions of these Teeglepets!
(Note: not all Teeglepets have an avatar version... yet!)

**NOTICE** The Andalusian is the last horse this "all the horses" set will include. It is simply becoming too costly to keep updating.
If you bought THIS package, it WILL be updated with script changes, for the listed horses.



This is a basic English-style rider set for Teeglepet horses, designed to replace the default animations that come with it.
This is only a partial set; the spook, buck, rear, reward etc use the original Teeglepet rider animations.

This animation set is not significantly different from the default, with one exception: the animations use multi-level priority, which will allow you to use other animations on your upper body.
You can use gestures, typing overrides, and even hold and aim weapons.

Please note: how well the weapons and any combat systems look and work is up to several factors. (see below for details.)

A Note about Boots:
Unrigged boots will always face the direction the knee is pointing. This is a fact of life, so yes, they will stick out awkwardly. See the second product image for how they look, compared to rigged boots.


This English Riding set is ONLY for the Teeglepets listed above.

Other breeds are sold separately, or in other packages (like the Draft breeds).


About Weapons, Combat, and Jousting

The low priority of the upper body animations allow weapons to animate the avatar from the abdomen on up. Depending on how much of the body the animation originally tries to animate, this may or may not look right. In any event, where the weapon fires is dependent on where the mouselook cursor is pointing.

For example, any bow using the SL bow aim animations will point the bow to the left, but it will still shoot forward. This is only a cosmetic concern. A bow designed to animate only the upper body would look much better.
One designed for horseback would be ideal.

Though you can hold and aim lances with this set, it will not automatically make your horse compatible with jousting systems (that only use avatar run speed, for example), and the aiming can and will be off, as the jousting animations generally don't control the hip.
The English set tips the hip forward in the Canter and Gallop, changing the angle of the entire torso.

Hopefully in the future, weapons makers will be able to take horse-mounted combat into consideration.

For Technical Reference, these sets use the following Animation Priorities:

Hip/Pelvis/COG (the base priority): 5
Legs: 6
Torso, Neck, Head, Hands: 2
Arms: 1

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  • English Style Riding Posture
  • Partial replacement Set: Stand, Turn, Gaits, Jump
  • for Teeglepet Rideable Horses -- Horse-sized only
  • Multi-Priority Animations: Low Priority Upper Body