__________MAKE SURE you are getting the right one!__________
** it is for BOTH Teeglepet ridable AND Teeglepet avatar
(Note: the avatar version might not be out yet!)
** it is NOT for the original Teegle Horse Avatar.
** IF you own the Jockey Animations Set for Teeglepet Horses that contains all of them, YOU DON'T HAVE THIS ONE.
These rider animations will replace the default animations in your Teeglepet horse. The Jockey set features:
* High stirrups (actual stirrups not included, but your feet are high on the horse)
* Standing Canter
* Crouched Gallop and Jump
NOTE: this set does NOT work with passengers on your horse.
ALSO: Includes the Brass Ring Ranch Riding Crop, with animations.
* Classic tip or Soft tip
* Hold upright or inverse, automatically switches with gait
* HUD and/or keyboard controlled
NOTE: the animations are designed to work with the Jockey gallop, and may not function properly with other animations.
NOTE: you cannot activate the crop animation unless you are galloping
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