row of old victorian houses, ideal to decorate your land or your sim, totally mesh
Found These Useful Despite Inability to Modify
The critiques of the previous reviewer are all valid. Yet I found this item useful when I created an exhibit for my Victorian RP (League of Extraordinary Victorian RPers) at SL20B and needed a backdrop for it. Two of them fit almost perfectly across the width of our exhibit parcel, so worked really well for what I needed. If you can be a bit flexible in your spacing, these work pretty well to add Victorian flavor to your sim or parcel. I only wish the LI were a bit lower. But usable Victorian backdrops are few and far between, so beggars can't be choosers. Perhaps someone else will take the hint and devise some that are modifable and even more useful.
Wish it was modifiable
Houses are simply beautiful and quite affordable too. Too bad they're not modifiable, so I cannot neither resize them to fill specific empty spots in my land, nor put a child script inside to record their position and put them in a rezzer or join many lines togheter in specific positions. That'd help a lot. I wrote the creator about it, sent a notecard too, in english and german (profile's first life language), but he never answered..